¡Sabe a Chocolate! #SCOLT2018

Kristy and I are honored to receive the Best of FLANC award this year and to present our session again at SCOLT.   We wish we had more time to share all our ideas, but instead we will post our handouts, slides (with active links to connect you to more information), and ideas that were SWEET, but didn’t make it in to the presentation due to time.  Thanks for joining us!

Presentation Handouts:

Presentation (links active):  sabe a chocolate SCOLT for web

Additional Resources from Kristy:



#YoProtesto: Student movements in modern times

Our next unit for AP Language will be built around education, especially access to it.  I’ve had a version of this unit marinating in my mind since Kara did a great unit about Chile’s student movement. With students leading the current national conversation on gun access and school safety, it occurred to me that there are strong parallels between the two movements.

This unit is still in development, but we are kicking things off with one of my favorite resources:  Veinte Mundos.  There’s an article there about cacerolazos which will give us a strong point of cultural reference for what we will be studying.  I prepared this document (Veinte mundos cacerolazo) and Quizlet set to support students’ reading experience. Enjoy!