Introduction to Felipe Alou

I’m returning to the Spanish 2 classroom tomorrow after several weeks in the background as my student teacher has been leading those classes. Our last unit is called Caras Inolvidables (Unforgettable Faces) and is built around biographies of several well-known people from Spanish-speaking culture. We will read the Felipe Alou book from Fluency Matters, watch the film Selena, and will work with mini biographies along the way. This year we are liberated from having to give a formal final exam, so I’m working on developing an autobiography project to wrap things up.

Tomorrow we are beginning a gentle entry into the unit to get reacquainted and also accommodate the students who will be taking AP exams this week.  I developed this resource (Felipe Alou + Robinson Cano intro) to help us with some pre-reading activities before diving into the book.  Hope it is helpful to you!