Random Numbers via Dot to Dot

I have a quick novice level activity to share today that is good for multiple languages: Dot to Dot.

Numbers are used in real life in random order, and high school students (hopefully!) know how to count, so we don’t need to practice numbers in sequence, but rather in unpredictable order. To practice this in a fun way, we did dot to dot in class today. But there’s a twist: I turned it into a listening exercise. Each student receives a copy of a sheet where the sequential numbers have been replaced by random numbers. However, as I replaced the original numbers, I kept a list of the new numbers in the right order.  So instead of 1, 2, 3… the list goes 1, 75, 84… (for example)

In class I read the sequence as the students connected the dots I called.  They seemed to like it–they asked if we could do another one, and they were successful with it.  It also helped them to isolate numbers that are still problematic for them to continue to practice.

The original dot to dot is from Raisingourkids.com (I believe). The original idea is from an old French textbook, maybe Discovering French?

The file is available here: Scrambled dot to dot  The first page is the student handout, the second page has the numbers to call in the proper sequence.